Knowledge model
- 1 Definition
- 2 Summary
- 3 Description
- 3.1 Tacit, explicit knowledge model
- 3.2 Tacit,implicit,explicit knowledge model
- 3.3 Data, information, knowledge model
- 3.4 Data, information, knowledge, wisdom model
- 3.5 Knowledge domains model
- 3.6 Best practice, good practice, practice knowledge model
- 3.7 Competency,knowledge, skills, attitude knowledge model
- 3.8 Know-why,know-how,know-what knowledge model
- 4 References
- 5 Related articles
Knowledge model is A representation of knowledge used to understand and communicate an aspect of knowledge in the real world.
A knowledge model describes some aspects of knowledge KM for the purposes of understanding and communication.
There are a number of models which are commonly used in describing knowledge. The models emphasise different elements of knowledge and represent them at different levels of complexity. Some illustrate only the major components of knowledge, others also illustrate systems, subsystems and even processes. This article describes some of those that have been used in IAEA publications in an ascending order of complexity.
Tacit, explicit knowledge model
Tacit,implicit,explicit knowledge model
Data, information, knowledge model
Data, information, knowledge, wisdom model
Knowledge domains model
Best practice, good practice, practice knowledge model
Competency,knowledge, skills, attitude knowledge model
Know-why,know-how,know-what knowledge model