Knowledge loss risk assessment in NPP's

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The following processes and tools can be used by nuclear power plants to identify and mitigate knowledge loss threats. Management can adapt or modify these processes and tools to meet the specific needs of their organization.

Attrition related knowledge loss risk assessment

Attrition related knowledge loss threats can be identified, prioritized and addressed using the following process to determine a total risk factor for each employee in the organization. This total risk factor is based on a projected attrition date, which could be retirement, transfer, or other attrition (attrition risk factor), and criticality of knowledge and skill (position risk factor). This three step process has been succesfully implemented by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) in the USA. Figure 1 is a flow diagram of the critical knowledge retention process. Knowledge retention roles and responsibilities are outlined in Annex I.

Fig 1. Critical knowledge retention flow chart

The three step process

Employee self-assessment–knowledge retention process

Risk management of institutional knowledge loss

Source: Risk Management of Knowledge Loss in Nuclear Industry Organizations



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