Business process

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Template:Consolidation stage,




Business process is A managed process that produces business related outcomes

Source: Safety Glossary 2007 Edition


One paragraph.


The processes of the management system that are needed to achieve the goals, provide the means to meet all requirements and deliver the products/services of the organization shall be identified, and their development shall be planned, implemented, assessed and continually improved. Some organizations have found it beneficial to structure their processes as follows:

— Core processes, the output of which is critical to the success of the facility or activity;

— Supporting processes, which provide the infrastructure necessary for the core processes (e.g. procurement, training, etc);

— Management processes, which ensure the operation of the entire management system.

The sequence and interactions of the management system processes shall be determined and processes shall be documented to the appropriate extent. To document processes different methods could be used, such as graphical representations, written instructions, checklists, flow charts, methods using visual media and electronic methods.

Complex processes could be devided into sub-processes and further into tasks. To visualize/illustrate the processes and to reflect all interrelations among the sub-processes (tasks) process maps could be developed that is usually called process model.

When designing a process it is advisable to define all inputs, output, owner and participants. Inputs to the process, include requirements, outputs of other processes, information, etc. Process output is a product that can be measured/considered/provided, including its quality characteristics. Process owner is a post holder that has appropriate knowledge and all the information regarding the process flow, is managing the process and responsible for the process outcome and effectiveness. Process participants are individuals that performe/fullfil specific activities, tasks or functions ensuring implementation of the process.


=Test paragraph

Process owner is Template:Process owner.


[1] IAEA safety requirements GS-R-3 “Management System for facilities and activities”;

[2] IAEA Safety Guide GS-G-3.1 “Application of management system for facilities and activities”;

[3] IAEA Safety Guide GS-G-3.5 “The management system for nuclear installations”;

[4] Safety Glossary 2007 Edition;

[5] ISO 9001:2008 “Quality Management System – Requirements”;

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