Taxonomy is A structure (usually hierarchical) in which a body of information or knowledge is categorized, allowing an understanding of how that body of knowledge can be broken down into parts and how its various parts relate to each other
Source: Comparative Analysis of Methods and Tools for Nuclear Knowledge Preservation
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Description 1
The word comes from the Greek τάξις, taxis (meaning ‘order’, ‘arrangement’) and νόμος, nomos (‘law’ or ‘science’). Taxonomies, or taxonomic schemes, are composed of taxonomic units known as taxa (singular taxon), or kinds of things that are arranged frequently in a hierarchical structure. Typically they are related by subtype–supertype relationships, also called parent–child relationships. In such a subtype–supertype relationship the subtype element has by definition the same constraints as the supertype element plus one or more additional constraints.
Source: Comparative Analysis of Methods and Tools for Nuclear Knowledge Preservation