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An abbreviation of electronic learning, which uses IT systems to conduct education or training as well as to manage those related activities

Purpose ans benefit

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A common application of e-learning in the nuclear industry is general employee refresher training. Due to the large number of trainees, the relatively high cost of e-learning can be justified, and the flexibility of e-learning is well suited to allowing the trainees to complete the training when they have the time available. Also, a ‘test-out’ feature can allow trainees who already understand the material to complete a pre-test, and if successful to avoid spending time on topics in which they are already competent.


Several similar expressions are used in the literature, which are slightly different variations of e-learning:

  • m-learning (mobile learning)
  • distance learning
  • cyber learning
  • computer aided learning, etc.

Implementation guidance

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Success factors

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Common pitfalls

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