Competency is Generic task or a function. The ability to put skills, knowledge and attitudes into practice in order to perform activities or a job in an effective and efficient manner within an occupation or job position to identified standards.
Extended definition
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Competency can be defined as groups of related knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs) needed by a person to perform a particular job [1]. It is thus the part of an individual's KSAs which can be observed and evaluated. The concept represents a HRM based view on managing knowledge embedded in individuals and is closely related to qualification of individuals.
The concept of competency is often mixed with the related job-task [1]. When describing competencies, a difference should be made between the required task and the competencies which allow a person to perform the task to a standard. These competencies may include knowledge and skills which are not directly connected to the specific task. For example to perform a maintenance task a person usually needs to understand the safety relevance of the task.
Relation to KM
Explain why the term competency is relevant for KM
Competency management
Development of competency
On-job training
Evaluation of competency
Competency model
Competency map
Competency loss risk assessment
[1] Training the staff of the regulatory body for nuclear facilities: A competency framework, IAEA-TECDOC-1254, 2001,