Knowledge process

Revision as of 09:21, 24 May 2014 by Tellervo (Talk | contribs) (Description)

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Knowledge process is Knowledge process is a process that acts on /or with knowledge, either individual knowledge or organizational knowledge.


A knowledge process is a process that acts on or with knowledge, either individual knowledge or organizational knowledge. Most business and organizational work processes are knowledge-dependent and/or knowledge-driven, and by definition they embed one or more knowledge process. In the NKM Wiki, nine main categories of knowledge processes are recognised, namely Creation, Validation, Transformation, Disposal, Learning, Combination, Finding, Maintenance, Sharing (See Fig. 1). Each knowledge process category is used to represent similar or inter-related knowledge processes. For a detailled list of knowledge processes, please refer to Knowledge process (disambiguation) article.


  • In the NKM Wiki, nine main categories of Knowledge processes are recognised (See Fig. 1 and click the pictures to see more about each category)
  • Knowledge processes should support business processes
  • Supportive culture is required to enable quality knowledge processes
  • A KM strategy defines the implementation of knowledge processes
  • Knowledge processes bring business benefits
  • Challenges are solved using Knowledge processes
  • KM Tools are enablers of knowledge processes
Category:Knowledge processesCategory:Creation processesCategory:Validation processesCategory:Transformation processesCategory:Disposal processesCategory:Learning processesCategory:Combination processesCategory:Finding processesCategory:Maintenance processesCategory:Sharing processesKnowledge processes 10.png
About this image

The main categories of knowledge processes, mainly combination, creation, disposal, finding, learning, maintenance, sharing, transformation and validation, are depicted in Figure 1. To see the content of these categories, please refer to the category pages:

Related articles


Category:Combination processes

Category:Creation processes

Category:Disposal processes

Category:Finding processes

Category:Learning processes

Category:Maintenance processes

Category:Sharing processes

Category:Transformation processes

Category:Validation processes

Other related articles

Knowledge process (disambiguation)

Process (disambiguation)

Business process (disambiguation)

Portal:Knowledge processes


Business process

Knowledge process attributes