Knowledge map

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Knowledge map is A map of a selected knowledge domain.


Knowledge map is a tool which presents a selected knowledge domain and the connections within it in a graphical form. Knowledge maps can take several forms, e.g. concept map or process map. They can also be produced for different purposes including a map of the knowledge of one person or a map of knowledge assets of a whole organisation.



Knowledge map is a symbolic representation of a selected knowledge domain and the output of knowledge mapping. The form of knowledge maps may vary including concept maps and process maps. The components of knowledge maps usually include the so-called background which is the context where the map is produced, the elements of the maps and the relationships between the elements. The last of which is the essential feature of a knowledge map compared to other ways of documenting knowledge, e.g. lists. An example of a knowledge map is provided in Fig 1.

Fig. 1. Example of a knowledge map

Types of knowledge maps

The literature review of Eppler [1] provides several possible categorisations for knowledge maps:

  • Knowledge process: Knowledge maps can be used as tools for knowledge processes, e.g. identification, learning, sharing and storage.
  • Knowledge domain: Knowledge map always concerns itself with a knowledge domain, e.g. strategy, maintenance, waste management.
  • Content of the map: The elements of maps may be for example ideas, people (network map), documents, data, learning objectives
  • Users: Some knowledge maps might be just for personal use and some for use of a whole organisation.
  • Form of the map: The form of a knowledge map may e.g. a table, concept map, process map, hierarchical list.
  • The way of producing the map: Maps may be produced automatically, by a group work, edited iteratively etc, see also Mapping

Benefits of knowledge maps

For nuclear organizations, there are several benefits of using knowledge maps, including

  • Better overview, a faster access, and a more efficient and memorable representation and communication

of knowledge assets.

  • Knowledge maps answer questions such as: how do I find relevant knowledge, how can I judge its quality, how can I

make sense of its structure, and how do I go about applying or developing it? [1]

  • Knowledge maps can also be used as a way of representing implicit knowledge.
  • Indicate the location of knowledge assets in an organization: The basic function of knowledge map is to tell users where they can get knowledge and to provide navigation for them. Similar to information explosion, sometimes there is excessive knowledge in an organization, which is over the limit for a person to handle. In spite of search engines, knowledge map can be a good manner to retrieve knowledge in a logical way.
  • Help to discover tacit knowledge in an organization: With the overview picture of knowledge assets in an organization, it is more likely to discover tacit knowledge in certain fields. Behind the correlation of knowledge, there might be some experts and knowledge owners from whom tacit knowledge can be captured.
  • Improve the self-learning ability in an organization and guide newcomers: Users(or employees) can learn new things by navigating in a knowledge map. Moreover, knowledge map is greatly helpful to newcomers and let them get into their roles quickly.
  • As a summary list of knowledge assets in an organization: Knowledge map can be regard as a summary list of knowledge assets in an organization, which helps to evaluate the current status and maturity of knowledge management.

Producing a knowledge map


[1] Eppler M., A Process-Based Classification of Knowledge Maps and Application Examples, Knowledge and Process Management, Volume 15 Number 1 pp 59–71 (2008),

Other potentially useful literature=

[2] Ermine J.L., Boughzala I and Tounkara T., Critical Knowledge Map as a Decision Tool for Knowledge Transfer Actions, "Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management 4, 2 (2006) 129-140,

[3] Balaid, Zibarzani, Rozan, A Comprehensive Review of Knowledge Mapping Techniques, JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND INNOVATION,

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